Senin, 24 Juni 2013

Last Softskill

I.                   Introduction

Every living thing needs food. Eating is one of the activities required for energy charging and some even make dining as his favorite hobby. In every activity, ranging from mild to severe events, definitely need energy to do so. Eat also has a pattern that is determined to meet our nutrition and health for which we know as the 4 Sehat 5 Sempurna. Need for food, make a lot of the emergence of a variety of delicious foods, and diverse. Anywhere, we can find a variety of food, including at the centers. In each center, which became a place to move, for sure we will see places that sell, selling a variety of foods as energy intake per person. So well in school, college, office and also has many special places that sell food.
One form of food preferred by all people is bread. Bread is a mainstay snack for those who need a booster foods when hungry stomach. Because the main ingredient containing carbohydrates and taste delicious, the bread is always a top choice. So many emerging products processed bread and home-based factories competing for the trust and indulgent bread enthusiasts demand. With different kinds of bread are created, as well as with a variety of flavors, and innovations are constantly being developed, the manufacturers are required to maximize the quality of bread. Therefore, each manufacturer must provide the best service in presenting their flagship product to fit customer expectations because as one proof of the success of merchants to bring in customers, and become loyal customers.
Development of food businesses in the form of bread also increase the level of supply in each region. Central Bogor is one area that many of the people every day is a connoisseur of bread. They chose bread as the choice of food for breakfast in the morning when they do not have time for breakfast, some are choosing bread as a snack or a late afternoon Benefits of Sleep while waiting or simply to block the stomach because it tastes good addition, they would also choose the best quality food for their consumption. Based on the above background, the authors are interested in researching on "ANALYSIS OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN QUALITY PRODUCTS ROTI SARI ROTI."

1.2 Formulation and Limitations

In scientific writing, the writer can identify the problem, whether there is a significant effect of the variable quality such as price, taste, portion, and packaging to consumer satisfaction Roti Sari Roti? To limit the scope of the problem under study, the authors conducted a study only to consumers who are in the Central Bogor randomly distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents.

1.3. Research Objectives

The purpose of the study refers to the formulation of the above problem is to determine whether there is a significant effect of the variable quality / quality (price, taste, portion, and packaging) to consumer satisfaction Roti Sari Roti.

1.4.      benefits of Research

1.4.1. Academic benefits
In the above subject, the authors expect that the issues that have been formulated to provide benefits both in education and academia.

1.4.2. Practical benefits
For the company in order to be used as a benchmark in evaluating and improving and enhancing the quality of Sari Roti bread products.

1.5. Research Methodology
1.5.1. object Research
Scientific research object in writing is Roti Sari Roti is bread products produced by PT. Nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk

1.5.2. Research Data / Variable
In compiling the writer get the data and information using primary data, ie data obtained directly by distributing questionnaires to the respondents.

1.5.3. Data Collection Method
In the writer collect and process the data obtained with the method:
A. Field studies (field research)
Author to collect data directly into the field is to distribute a list of questions to 100 respondents / consumers Sari Roti bread in Central Bogor in various public places crowded with people, so there can also be found many stalls available, up to a mini-Sari Roti bread brands provide.

B. Studies Library (library research)
Collecting data obtained from books, lecture notes, and the data associated with scientific writing.

1.5.4. Hypothesis
In scientific writing, the author concludes that the hypothesis will be proven :
Ho: Consumers are not satisfied with the product Roti Sari Roti
Ha: Consumers are satisfied with the product Roti Sari Roti

1.5.5.      Analytical Techniques
Likert Summated Rating (LSR) is a method of measuring attitude (attitude) which is widely used in social research because of its simplicity LSR very useful to compare the scores of each person with the scale and distribution of other groups of people, and to see the development or change of attitude after the experiment or event. Tests were designed to allow respondents to answer in a variety of levels on each item describing the services or products. By giving values ​​to each item is very good response given weight 5, means customers are very satisfied, good answer given weight 4, means customers are satisfied, fairly good response is weighted 3, means customers are quite satisfied, unfavorable response given weight 2, meaning customers less satisfied, are not well enforced Answer weights 1, means customers are not satisfied.

II .       Discussions

2.1 Data and Research Object Profiles

In scientific research object taken is PT. Nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk or commonly known to the general public that Roti Sari Roti which was founded in 1995. Stands as a Foreign Investment Company under the name of PT. Nippon Indosari Corporation. Commercial operations with a factory in Block W, Jababeka industrial area, Cikarang, West Java, with two lines of machines and produces bread with brands: Sari Roti. In 2001, PT. Nippon Indosari Corporation plant to increase production capacity in Block W by 100% by adding two lines to the engine type of bread and sweet bread types. In 2005, the company opened a second factory in the industrial area of ​​Pasuruan, East Java, by installing two lines of machines, in order to penetrate the market to East Java and Bali. In 2008, the company opened a third plant with two lines of machines in Block U, Jababeka industrial area, Cikarang, West Java, in order to meet increasing market demand.
In 2010 initial public offering took place on June 28, 2010 at the Indonesian Stock Exchange. In 2011 the company opened an additional three factories in Semarang, Central Java, Medan-North Sumatra and West Java Cibitung.
In the course of its production PT. Nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk has the vision to be the largest bakery company in Indonesia to produce and distribute high quality products at affordable prices to the people of Indonesia. And also has a mission to help improve the quality of life of the Indonesian people by producing and distributing high-quality food, healthy, kosher, and safe for customers.
In implementing the vision and mission, PT. Nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk has defined quality assurance to its customers that is committed to providing high quality products, healthy, clean, and safe for consumption through the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practice, Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, and so the Halal Assurance System can provide customer satisfaction on the company's products. And foster an active and positive participation of all employees in order to maintain, develop, and improve the quality of work in a sustainable manner.

2.2. Research and Analysis

After collecting the required data, here will describe the results obtained from the 100 respondents / consumers to know their assessment of Roti Sari Roti as one of the famous brand of bread in the community. The selection of characteristics in this study were gender and age. Characteristics of the respondents after the randomized study area Central Bogor is 29% men and 71% women with an average age of respondents ranged from less than 19 years old the other is 12 respondents (12%), between 20 and 30 years were 65 respondents (65%), and more than 30 years were 23 respondents (9%).

2.2.1. Data Results

Distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents carried out is done to determine how the level of customer satisfaction with products Roti Sari Roti. Process of assessment, collection, and calculation of data from the distribution of questionnaires carried out by assuming random sampling in Central Bogor area. Form of the question is closed, the answer to the question has been determined. Questionnaire data on consumers can be based on 100 respondents Roti Sari Roti.
Here is the data that has been acquired during the research.

A. Price

1. Roti Sari Roti Price Match With Consumer Desire
Based on the results of the above survey, consumers Roti Sari Roti in Central Bogor feel agree to the price offered by the manufacturer Roti Sari Roti. from the 100 respondents, there were 37 respondents who expressed a agree  with a percentage of 37%. 35 respondents feel neutral/ normal. 25 respondents feel disagree. 3 respondents feel strongly agree, and no one feel strongly disagree.

2. Roti Sari Roti Offering Variety of Options Price
Based on survey results, consumers Roti Sari Roti in Central Bogor feel agree to a wide selection of prices offered by the manufacturer Roti Sari Roti. From the 100 respondents, there were 55 respondents who had agreed with a percentage of 55%. 20 respondents feel neutral/ normal. 10 respondents feel disagree. 15 respondents feel strongly agree, and no one feel strongly disagree.

3. Roti Sari Roti Gives Price Match With its Quality
Based on survey results, consumers Roti Sari Roti in Central Bogor feel neutral / indifferent to the price offered by the manufacturer Roti Sari Roti according to its quality. From the 100 respondents, there were 39 respondents who expressed a neutral / normal with a percentage of 39%. 39 respondents feel neutral/ normal. 5 respondents feel disagree. 21 respondents feel strongly agree, and no one feel strongly disagree.

4. Roti Sari Roti Has a Competitive Price
Based on survey results, consumers Roti Sari Roti, in the region of Central Bogor feel neutral / casual with competitive prices offered by the manufacturer Roti Sari Roti. From the 100 respondents, there were 50 respondents who expressed neutral / normal with a percentage of 50%. 40 respondents feel agree. 25 respondents feel disagree. 4 respondents feel strongly agree, and no one feel strongly disagree.

5. Offered price Suitable In many circles
Based on survey results, consumers Roti Sari Roti, in the region of Central Bogor feel neutral / normal to the prices offered by the manufacturer Roti Sari Roti fit in various circles. From the 100 respondents, 45 respondents expressed a neutral / normal with a percentage of 45%. 41 respondents feel agree. 10 respondents feel disagree. 4 respondents feel strongly agree, and no one feel strongly disagree.

B. Sense

1. Roti Sari Roti Has Taste Variation to Satisfy Consumers
Based on survey results, consumers Roti Sari Roti, in the region of Central Bogor feel agree to sense variations offered by the manufacturer Roti Sari Roti. From the 100 respondents, there were 70 respondents who had agreed with a percentage of 70%. 9 respondents feel neutral/ normal. 5 respondents feel disagree. 16 respondents feel strongly agree, and no one feel strongly disagree.

2.  Believe In Quality Cast taste Roti Sari Roti
Based on survey results, consumers Roti Sari Roti, in the region of Central Bogor was agreed to taste the quality offered by the manufacturer Roti Sari Roti. From the 100 respondents, there were 49 respondents who manyatakan agree with a percentage of 49%. 18 respondents feel neutral/ normal. 3 respondents feel disagree. 30 respondents feel strongly agree, and no one feel strongly disagree.

3. Presented taste Roti Sari Roti Never Disappointing Consumers
Based on survey results, consumers Roti Sari Roti, in the region of Central Bogor feel agree to flavor presented by Roti Sari Roti producers never disappoints. From 100 respondents, there were 43 respondents who had agreed with a percentage of 43%. 39 respondents feel neutral/ normal. 9 respondents feel disagree. 9 respondents feel strongly agree, and no one feel strongly disagree.
4. Roti Sari Roti Chick sense of Materials Options
Based on survey results, consumers Roti Sari Roti, in the region of Central Bogor feel agree to flavor offered by the manufacturer Roti Sari Roti created from the material of choice. From the 100 respondents, there were 51 respondents who had agreed with a percentage of 51%. 37 respondents feel neutral/ normal. 6 respondents feel disagree. 6 respondents feel strongly agree, and no one feel strongly disagree.

5. Roti Sari Roti taste Make Offer I want to Buy it Back
Based on survey results, consumers Roti Sari Roti, in the region of Central Bogor feel agree to flavor offered by Sari Roti bread manufacturers make consumers want to buy it back. From the 100 respondents, there were 35 respondents who had agreed with a percentage of 35%. 21 respondents feel neutral/ normal. 14 respondents feel disagree. 30 respondents feel strongly agree, and no one feel strongly disagree.

C. Portion

1. Offering a range of Sari Roti bread Portion Sizes
Based on survey results, consumers Roti Sari Roti, in the region of Central Bogor was agreed that the Roti Sari Roti offers a variety of portion sizes. From the 100 respondents, there were 50 respondents who had agreed with a percentage of 50%. 30 respondents feel neutral/ normal. 10 respondents feel disagree. 10 respondents feel strongly agree, and no one feel strongly disagree.

2. Roti Sari Roti portion Offer Make Me Interested to Buy it
Based on survey results, consumers Roti Sari Roti, in the region of Central Bogor feel neutral / normal that portion Roti Sari Roti make consumers want to buy. From the 100 respondents, there were 40 respondents who expressed a neutral / normal with a percentage of 40%. 20 respondents feel agree. 27 respondents feel disagree. 9 respondents feel strongly agree, and 4 feel strongly disagree.

3. Roti Sari Roti portion Offer Suitable for snacks or main food
Based on survey results, consumers Roti Sari Roti, in the region of Central Bogor was agreed that a portion of Roti Sari Roti perfect for a snack or a main meal. From the 100 respondents, there were 68 respondents who had agreed with a percentage of 68%. 16 respondents feel neutral/ normal. 3 respondents feel disagree. 13 respondents feel strongly agree, and no one feel strongly disagree.

4. Offered portion Roti Sari Roti Suitable for Anytime
Based on survey results, consumers Roti Sari Roti, in the region of Central Bogor was agreed that a portion of Roti Sari Roti suitable for anytime. From the 100 respondents, there were 55 respondents who had agreed with a percentage of 55%. 31 respondents feel neutral/ normal. 7 respondents feel disagree. 7 respondents feel strongly agree, and no one feel strongly disagree.

5. Offered portion Roti Sari Roti Suitable for Anyone
Based on survey results, consumers Roti Sari Roti, in the region of Central Bogor was agreed that a portion of Roti Sari Roti is suitable for anyone. From the 100 respondents, 52 respondents who had agreed with a percentage of 52%. 30 respondents feel neutral/ normal. 3 respondents feel disagree. 15 respondents feel strongly agree, and no one feel strongly disagree.


1. Roti Sari Roti Packed with Great
Based on survey results, consumers Roti Sari Roti, in the region of Central Bogor was agreed that the Sari Roti bread is packed with very interesting. From the 100 respondents, there were 55 respondents who had agreed with a percentage of 55%. 20 respondents feel neutral/ normal. 4 respondents feel disagree. 21 respondents feel strongly agree, and no one feel strongly disagree.

2. Packaging Roti Sari Roti Made with Environmentally Friendly Materials
Based on survey results, consumers Roti Sari Roti, in the region of Central Bogor feel disagree that the Sari Roti bread is packed with environmentally friendly materials. From the 100 respondents, there were 49 respondents who did not agree with a percentage of 49%. 39 respondents feel neutral/ normal. 8 respondents feel agree. Null respondents feel strongly agree, and 4 feel strongly disagree.

3. Roti Sari Roti Packaging Made from quality material
Based on survey results, consumers Roti Sari Roti, in the region of Central Bogor feel neutral / normal that Roti Sari Roti packed from quality materials. From the 100 respondents, there were 54 respondents who expressed a neutral / normal with a percentage of 54%. 27 respondents feel agree. 11 respondents feel disagree. 8 respondents feel strongly agree, and no one feel strongly disagree.

4. Roti Sari Roti Easy Packaging Recognized By Consumers
Based on survey results, consumers Roti Sari Roti, in the region of Central Bogor was agreed that packaging Roti Sari Roti known by consumers. From the 100 respondents, there were 63 respondents who had agreed with a percentage of 63%. 11 respondents feel neutral/ normal. 1 respondents feel disagree. 25 respondents feel strongly agree, and no one feel strongly disagree.

5. Packaging Roti Sari Roti Wants to Make a Great Buy it Back
Based on survey results, consumers Roti Sari Roti, in the region of Central Bogor was agreed that the packaging is attractive Roti Sari Roti makes consumers want to buy again. From the 100 respondents, there were 49 respondents who had agreed with a percentage of 49%. 24 respondents feel neutral/ normal. 14 respondents feel disagree. 13 respondents feel strongly agree, and no one feel strongly disagree.

2.2.2. Hypothesis Testing Consumer Satisfaction Levels
The Consumer are male respondents were 29 people or 29%, and female respondents were 71 people or 71%. After obtaining these data it can be seen that more female respondents than male respondents. That respondents aged <19 years as many as 12 people or 12%, of respondents were aged between 20-30 years as many as 65 people or 65%, and respondents aged> 30 years as many as 23 people or 23%.
Based on the above table can be raised or drawn the conclusion that the average  consumer respondents Roti  Sari Roti in Central Bogor area of data that can be seen from the above that the majority aged between 20-30 years.

2.2.3. hypothesis testing

Ho: Consumers are not satisfied with the product Roti Sari Roti
Ha: Consumers are satisfied with the product Roti Sari Roti

Consumer Satisfaction Levels table Roti Sari Roti

Respondents Responses
Levels of Satisfaction
Total Point (Weight)
Very Satisfied

Note : 307 = [(3 x 5) + (37 x 4) + (35 x 3) + (25 x 2) + (0 x 1)]
                          = [(15) + (128) + (105) + (50) + (0)]
After got the results of the score of each question, below is the average value, Q1, Q2, Q3, Minimum Value and Maximum Value:

Total score for each respondent
Total score for all respondents
Max           =      5  x  20  =     100
Max          =  100  x  100  = 10.000
Min           =      1  x  20  =       20
Min          =  100  x       20  =      2000
Median      =      3  x  20  =       60
Median     =  100  x        60  =      6000
Kuartil 1    =      2  x  20  =       40
Kuartil 1   =  100  x        40  =      4000
Kuartil 3    =      4  x  20  =       80
Kuartil 3   =  100 x        80  =      8000

Note :
                                                                      7189 ( the score )
       2000                  4000                   6000                 8000                  10000          

            Minimal         Q1                 Median (Q2)       Q3                 Maximal

Median (Q2)< Score <Q3

III. Conclusion

It can be concluded that based on the above research can be seen that the variable quality / qualities that include price, taste, portion, and packaging can significantly affect customer satisfaction. Obtained Likert scale of computation that consumer satisfaction program satisfied with average results 7189 who get Median (Q2) <Score <Q3. Therefore, concluded that the quality can influence customer satisfaction Sari Roti Roti.


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